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Often, parents, in an effort to grow a moral and responsible person out of their child, try to control all aspects of the child’s life with the best intentions. At first, this gives certain results. However, when adolescence comes, this parenting style significantly slows down a person’s mental development.
The origins of this parenting style originate, oddly enough, from the strong love of parents for the only and long-awaited child in the family and the desire to protect him as much as possible from all dangers in the present and prepare him for adulthood in the future.
Characteristic features of parenting in an authoritarian manner on the part of parents
• Full control of the daily routine;
• The choice of clothes by parents is not discussed with the child in any way;
• The desire to totally control and define the circle of communication;
• The prerogative of choosing activities outside an educational institution (sports clubs, clubs) belongs entirely to parents;
• Excessive requirements for academic success;
• Rejection of any desire and initiative of the ward that does not coincide with the parent’s;
• The requirement of unquestioning obedience;
• Commanding tone of communication, often shouting and even physical punishment;
• Lack of rewards for meeting requirements and rules (this is taken for granted);
• The child is deprived of personal space and time.
This command-and-control method fosters in children neatness, discipline and a sense of responsibility. Up to a certain age, it protects children from having to make independent decisions on any issues. At the same time, they feel protected.
But everything is fine for the time being. Around the end of elementary school, the child begins to feel strongly burdened by such total custody and he tries to get rid of it. And if the controlling component of education is not gradually weakened, it can cause very negative consequences in the psyche of a teenager and throughout his later life. Self—doubt, low self-esteem, depression, passivity, on the one hand, and conflict, aggression, rudeness, hatred of parents and a tendency to violence, on the other, are the problems that will have to be faced.
The right balance of caring for the child and giving him freedom of choice will allow him to develop a harmonious independent personality. It is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child, find compromises, encourage initiative, allow them to form their tastes and preferences in clothing, music, and choosing friends. All the rules in force in the family concerning the child should be discussed with him and explained why it is necessary to adhere to them. This will allow the younger person to make mistakes in order to gain experience and understand the consequences of their actions and decisions. This is the only way to raise a friend and a mentally close person, and not an enemy or a slave. https://1xbet-japan.io の支払い方法には、クレジットカード、電子ウォレット、銀行振込など多岐にわたるオプションがあり、日本のユーザーに適した方法で迅速に取引を行うことが可能です。1895ad154fa65f6dfc075e94945999ca